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About Us

Our Story

Authenticity, class, and confidence were the driving forces behind our founder Abyan’s entrepreneurial leap. As a science graduate turned entrepreneur, Abyan merged her obsession with beauty and fashion with oral care. It was at a national conference between meets and greets that the need for refreshing her breath sparked the idea of having a luxe breath spray that complemented her style. Hence marks the birth of FŪA!

She fell immediately in love with the concept of bringing this thought to fruition so she hit the ground running. As she was looking to build this dream brand, she picked none other than her best friend and sister, Simona, the co-founder of FŪA. Simona’s experience in tech startups and operations was fundamental in getting FŪA in your hands. 

In a saturated fashion/beauty market, FŪA is more than just another beauty brand. It is groundbreaking in its realm of fashionable oral care that transforms the way oral health is viewed. Other aspects of personal hygiene care have done tremendous evolutions over the years, but our long overdue and much-needed product in its niche completes your exquisite individuality. Our love for science allowed us to carefully handpick the cleanest and most coveted ingredients and formulations produced in world-renowned FDA-approved manufacturing facilities. Now we can all do oral care the right way! With a plethora of selections that match your style and taste preferences, simply go about your day carrying your confidence in a bottle. 

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